Getting Out Of The House?! Help!!!

Noticing that some parents are choosing to only use cloth at home it has inspired me to write this hopefully helpful guide on getting out of the house with cloth diapers.
1)    The bag: We have used oversized purses, small backpacks, grocery sack when we forgot the regular bag, and I have seen moms just rubber band it together. Personally I don’t think I’ve ever bought a proper brand new diaper bag. When babies are so expensive I couldn’t really afford a new bag, so we used whatever we had. I like pockets, not a lot so hubby doesn’t get lost but a few to keep things organized. Hehehehe!
2)    Fluffy Gold: Oh yes it is gold! The one and only thing in our array of baby items that pays for itself! Three cheers for cloth diapers! Depending on what you bought for your stash this part is tricky. We use pocket diapers. Love them for thorough washing and easy to tell people how to put them on. In a perfect world we would have them all pre-stuffed and ready to grab out of the cupboard and stick a few in the diaper bag. Typically I grab more than I need so that if we end up out longer or Daddy forgets to add diapers to the bag on the way out the door we’ll be ok. Hahaha! In most cases I grab my microfiber insert, a doubler, and the pocket diaper times like three since our little one is older and doesn’t need that many changes. Plus our trips usually don’t last long. If your system requires folding it’s helpful to have it done ahead of time but, we stuff ours at the changing table so you’ll be ok.
3)    Swipers: Oh don’t get me wrong we have forgotten these a time or two. Even didn’t remember to buy a new supply. Oh boy, it always happens on a poopy diaper too. Grrr!! Our choice for wipes is disposable flushable kinds. In our area the best place to buy them is Target. They are advertised as potty training wipes, not baby wipes so you know they are flushable but read package carefully to be sure. Target for us has two kinds generic target brand and Kandoo’s. Targets smelled odd and gave my very sensitive boy a rash so we bought Kandoo this time. They smell better and he has not had a rash from these ones! Bonus! Plus the packages are more compact than baby wipes which is nice. One pack tossed in our bag and it lasts a while.
4)    Poo Catchers (optional): These are typically known as bio-degradable liners. Texture and appearance is much like a dryer sheet minus the chemicals and smells. *Side note: Don’t use dryer sheets with cloth causes leaking issues.* Anyways they allow the liquids to flow through but catches the poo so you can just peel it off the diaper and flush it. Very simple. I used to use these everyday all day but we ran out at a time we had no money so we didn’t use them. By running out I discovered the rash we were fighting was caused by using those liners too often. On the go he does just fine but for around the clock he became sensitive to them. If the diapers are pre-stuffed we just laid one in each diaper and added a couple extras for good measure. Or just made sure to take enough off the roll to match our amount of diapers.
5)    We don’t have poo catchers: If bio-liners are not in your stash of cloth diapers, don’t worry about it. We just change him fold the diaper in half and place in wet bag to be cleaned once arriving at home. If it appears cleanup will be easily dumped then we flush it. Typically I have two toddlers with me so trying to watch them and dump into a toilet is tricky business and I prefer to wait. We haven’t had any stain issues from waiting.
6)    What has worked for you? Anything I missed? Have any good tips? We love comments, and questions!

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