Why is Breast feeding so hard?! Any tips?

It was a journey I desperately wanted with both my boys. When pregnant with my first I hadn’t given much thought to breastfeeding at all. The extent was I want to be covered up when I do because I’m a very modest person and would feel uncomfortable being exposed.  Nursing covers hadn’t even made it to my list of baby items; today it would be my number one.  The one thing I did buy was nursing bras.
 Our first was in the N.I.C.U. for 5 days so breastfeeding your first baby hooked to millions of wires was distressing to say the least. Another issue I had was that I preferred the football hold. In this position his nose wasn’t being smushed by my huge boob, and visibility of his mouth was much easier. All the wires and tubes, and I.V.’s didn’t really allow for this without leaving him uncomfortable. We got past that once I figured out how to position myself better.
 Ok next hurdle! My milk came in full force. I mean pouring out, hard as rocks grew an entire cup size in my sleep. I looked more like a super lumpy basketball then a woman. My nipples were so tight and hard I had to squish milk out so my little man could even attempt to latch on. Every time I did release some milk it was almost instantly replaced by all the milk build up behind it.  I had to talk one of the NICU nurses into finding me a breast pump. Yes I had to convince her! She kept trying to say we don’t have any available right now, yet magically after she walked away it was less than 10 minutes before she brought me one. I sat in the room for two hours and was not getting much relief after all that pumping I think I got 4 ounces, but hey it let me feed my little man once my nipples softened.
 Wouldn’t you know it another couple issues aroused. One the lactation nurse kept telling me that I had to get more of my nipple in his mouth, my minds going ok that thing is huge it would gag me! How is that needed? His latch didn’t hurt what was the problem?
 Next problem, my leaking milk was drowning the baby, yikes. He would be all latched on and comfy suckling away but my flow was incredibly forceful causing it to drool out everywhere and sometimes so bad it would come out the top of his mouth and try to drip into his nose. He was getting way more air than milk causing tremendously funny farts but I still felt terrible. Lactation consults intimidate me. They grab your boob; shove your baby on all quick and forceful. I want them to ask me what’s wrong; give me pointers on how to fix it.
 The best way I have ever learned how to resolve it is have a huge folded up towel under my breasts for milk catching. Using one Boppy on top of another so baby is up high enough that I’m not slouching, and be a prisoner to the couch all day.  I never made it past 3 weeks with him because he had surgery that with all the stress dried me up.
 Our second child we started that adventure with my overachieving boobs again! Thank god after a lot of praying he did not need the NICU! The over active breasts, unable to walk around while feeding because they leaked so much, being soaked head to toe every morning happened all over again with baby number two. We made it three months before quitting, due to un-breast related complications. One strange problem was that at about 5pm every day my breasts would be totally empty not a drop. Although by the next feeding I was right back to overflowing.
Pumping after every feeding, not pumping to drop my supply. Taking Fenugreek to resolve the missing feeding issue just boosted me during the times I was working fine.
My question to you is have you ever experienced anything like this? Can you point me in the direction of someone who can help? I really want to be prepared for baby number 3 and to succeed in feeding for as long as little one wants to. Cloth diapers, breast and home birth are my goals.

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