Laundry Detergent Charts

When using detergent for your cloth diapers it's important you get the correct one to avoid complications like leaking, residue build up, and stinky ammonia problems.
A main source of concern is what chemicals are found in your detergent.
The big offenders are fabric softeners, brighteners, dye, perfume/fragrances and enzymes.
All five can contribute to build up in your diapers that causes the pee to just roll off the diaper like wax on a car instead of absorb in, which leads to rash, leaking diapers, and strong odors, all are not typical of a properly functioning diaper.
Enzymes although they help disinfect any bacteria in your diapers if not washed out properly they will stay in your diaper. What that means is as soon as your baby soils the diaper the enzymes attack not only the diaper but your babies skin, causing a rash. It has been a case by case basis in families that it does or does not work for. Enzymes never did work out in our testing phase. Our child always broke out no matter how small the amount we used. Bac-Out is the brand we tested and when it did not work it was used to clean pet stains, add a small amount into regular laundry from my toddlers accidents and for regular bathroom cleaning. If your child comes up with an infection like staph or more commonly yeast infection adding approximately a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide is a much safer alternative to enzymes and/or bleach.

Links Below:

Zany Zebra

The Diaper Jungle

Diaper Jungle for HE Machines- HE machines require a little bit different washing routines than the other washing machines out there.


Go Go Natural

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