Washer less Cloth Diaper Laundry

We started out hand washing our diapers. It was a pain in the butt to say the least. Grateful that I know how to do it when in a pinch, but after two months straight of washing diapers in buckets in the bath tub I had enough. Following an interesting conversation with my dad I decided to look up old fashion wringer washers. Have you ever had those strange World Wide Web phenomenon’s where you start out looking at one product and before you realize what happened you get thrown into a world you never knew existed? That is something I am actually thanking my lucky stars for. My stumbling lead me on to portable washing machines, smaller than a portable dishwasher with a just shy of seven gallon drum capacity.

Haier is the only brand I’ve ever used and have no reasons not to continue. She is a trusty little gal I bought off craigslist. Never knowing they existed they sure are popular with the crowd that knows they are out there. Barely buying this before someone else snatched it I could not wait to get it home and wash my set of diapers hands free!! Happy Dance!!
 The picture does not show her hoses and plug in but they do exist. Watch out not all portable washers use regular outlets, but this one does. The upper left knob is to adjust the water level, and that space to the right of the knob is where you screw on the hose that easily attaches to your sink with the little faucet adapter. Can you see the round disc looking thing on the back bottom right for some reason they put that on one side and the other side is where the drain hose pops out. So they can push the hose through whatever side they want, not sure why it matters.
Controls are super easy. She has a quick wash, heavy wash, just wash, rinse and spin setting. Hit the program select button until the light hits the setting you want and choose your water level and hit start. Turn the water faucet on and Ta Da you are off and running. She has washed dirty kids clothes, sheets, blankets, when we are running low on undergarments or if the kids got sick, favorite teddy bear gets dirty to she’s washed that also.

·         Our four year old showing off the size of our newest Haier washer.

What is your wash routine for diapers in this little girl?

You won’t believe how tiny the amount of detergent you need. Our detergent of choice and absolute favorite is Rockin Green. Ready for it? It will knock your socks off! 1 ¼ teaspoon! Yes it honestly is plenty!
Most understand you do a cold wash, hot wash, and another cold wash to rinse it out. With this washer being so small we wash every day or day and a half to make sure there is plenty of room for a good swishing action in the drum.
To start it’s a cold quick wash, which means a cold swish with no detergent then it drains and does a rinse cycle.
Second, the hot wash is run on the regular wash setting with detergent, it rinses a few times automatically.
Last another cold quick wash to make sure everything is rinsed properly.
Once everything is done I smell them to make sure they don’t stink still which typically means the washer was to full to get a good swish.
To dry we use a drying rack in front of our sliding glass door to get some sunshine on them.
Next day when I go to hang the next load the previous days wash is dry and ready to be put away.
I apologize for the crummy picture quality, of course my camera broke for no apparent reason. Grrr!!

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