Thank an Activist

Some feel activists are too harsh, too outspoken, that they are all about being in your business. I thank those of you who do stand up and say something. When both my sons were born I thought you were supposed to circumcise because their father is, among other men in our family. The thing that stopped me is that health care no longer covers them because it is an unnecessary procedure. We did not have the money to have it done, so we skipped that step. Years later I stumbled upon articles about how terrible it really is. How scary and silly it is to change a boy who's born perfect. I thank the ones who doubt the "normalcy" of formula, the ones who point out it should be treated as a last result, only used when truly needed. You don't take cold medicine when nothing is wrong right? Those who showed me cloth diapers, baby wearing, and gentle parenting techniques. Thank you. We are truly blessed to have you. Other things that have opened my eyes because of those who spoke up and affirmed what I already understood, feelings towards abortion, that even though you are young you can become great. Breast cancer awareness, living a cheaper more economic lifestyle, to love our veterans because they have sacrificed so much, to those who knocked on my door asking me to come back to God. 
 Thank an activist because, it is those people who can change your life when you are ready to receive it.

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