** keep an eye out all my articles from time to time may need to be updated in some way, I will make new facts or modifications in red so you can see what has changed quickly**
AI2- all in two , usually has a snap in liner
AIO- all in one diaper
** the soaker is sewn into the diaper just snap/velcro on and go typically has to come is 2 or 3 sizes small medium large because the soaker is sewn in
AP- Attachment Parenting
** the use of carriers on parents body instead of strollers, and breast feeding can be included in this
ATD- All Together Diapers
BBH- Baby Beehinds
BG- Bumgenius
BOV-bamboo organic velour
BSWW- Bummis Super Whisper Wrap
** for me these fit really well on my chunky boys because the covers are more generously sized
BV- bamboo velour
BB- Best Bottom
BB- Blueberry
BW- BumWear
CB- Cotton Babies
CRAT- Aristocrat
CD- cloth diaper
CPF- Chinese prefolds
DSQ- diaper service quality
** this is the only type of prefold you want to buy, it provides good quality fabric, with a lot of absorbency
EBF- exclusively breast fed
**no food just mom milk
EO= essential oil
FB- Fuzzi Bunz
FL- front loader (washing machine)
GN- gender neutral
GV- GroVia
** also know as a hybrid diaper, it comes with a cover, and you either user cloth liners, or biodegradeable liners you can toss in the trash or compost pile
HH- Happy Heiny's
IPF- indian prefold
IV- Imse Vimse
JB- Joey Bunz
KL- Kissaluvs
KND- Knickernappies Diapers
KP- Kiwi Pie
LB- Little Beetles
ME- Motherease
MEAF- Motherease Air Flow
NB- newborn
OC- organic cotton
OCV- organic cotton velour
OS-one size
**a diaper that usually fits a child from birth
up until about 35 lbs
OSS- One-Size Snap
OV- organic velour
PD- pocket diaper
** one piece that is a water proof layer, with a inner fabric like microfleece, and an opening to stuff the absorbent fabrics
PF- prefold
** the absorbent cloth sewn into 3 sections, the middle being thicker I DON'T recommend Gerber brand personally for diaper use
PUL- polyurethane laminate
** the water proof fabric found on the outer shell of your diaper
PW- Planet Wise
RaR- Rump-a-rooz
RnG- Rockin' Green
** detergent designed for cloth diapers
QD- quick dry
SB- Swaddlebees
SB- Softbums
** this diaper does everything in one, pocket, cover, snap in soaker any system you want to do
SC- suede cloth
** better at getting poop off the material then fleece, much smoother surface
SS- side snapping
TTO- tea tree oil
UBCPF- unbleached chinese prefolds
**(bleaching just helps to remove natural oils from the prefold instead of removing them yourself)
UBIPF- unbleached Indian prefolds
** prefolds need to be washed in hot water about 8 times before they reach maximum absorbency
UTN- Under the Nile
BF-breast fed
NAK-nurse at keyboard
FF-formula fed
LPD-lovely pocket diapers
DS or DD- dear son/ dear daughter
TL-top loader
F&C-Free and Clear laundry detergents
ND-nicki's diapers
wahm-work at home mom
sahm- stay at home mom
** translate to poor ma needs a hobby like me!
lo-lavender oil
bo-blow out
BM - bowel movement
** diaper liners work great for at home and on the go, as well as diaper sprayers
BLW - Baby Led Weaning
** this is when the baby is weaned because ds/dd decided they didn't want to anymore, while mom patiently waited
sposie- disposable diaper
** the enemy! just kidding : )