I Want to Try Wool Covers!?

I would love to try using wool covers! They are awesome for travel, for those without a washer, and for ultra-breathability all day and night. The way they work is that a sheep secretes lanolin. This is a natural oil they produce to keep their wool water proof allowing them to stay dry and comfortable even in the wet cold months. When using a wool cover the extra air flow allows for a better controlled hot/ cold temperature inside the diaper, done by small pockets of air held in the wool fibers. The great thing is that you only have to wash it once a week some people go longer but that would be my preference. A sheep’s hair is all natural, a renewable resource, that is obtained without harming the animal. Also since it comes from a 100% organic natural source it’s biodegradable so it goes right back to mother nature when you have worn out that cover.

Wool was once used as a main diaper cover until plastic pants came into play. A clean lanolized cover will absorb 30% of its weight. The lanolin will work with the urine to create a “soap” giving it a self-cleaning ability. If it gets wet just hang it to dry. Once a week you will wash them in lanolin rich soap and about every 3-4 weeks you will need to lanolize them to keep them working great! If poop gets on it be sure to wash it right away.

 When washing a wool cover just set it in the sink or tub. To wash gently squish the diaper to get the water to work its way through. You don’t want to clean them in the washer all the twisting and turning will get them out of shape. I have read of people using Aveeno baby wash instead of a wool wash to do the initial clean and do a second wash with that purple tube of lanolin nipple cream sold at Wal Mart, Target etc.. When they use the lansinoh breast cream put it in a little jar of very hot water and shake it up to melt the cream and add it to your hot water and covers. Swish it around gently but do not twist the cover or anything. When ready to dry it out do NOT wring the cover it will cause it to become misshapen. Just fold it and press down and fold and press. Then take it over to a folded towel and roll it up inside the towel tightly to get excess water out. Lay it flat on a dry towel to air dry. 

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