are a few pet peeves I have about disposables that just kind of helps me set my
path in cloth, not that your a bad person for choosing disposables this is just
what runs through my head.
is it as the sizes get bigger the box size and price stay the same, but the
amount of diapers decreases?! Not very nice ya know?
you use cloth you customize how many layers of soakers you need, for day use,
nap time, bed time you customize it. With both disposable and cloth for regular
day use you should change about every 2 hours or once poopy. Yet with
disposables you don't get extra absorbency for bed time you just use the same
diaper as you do during the day. Plus they are in it for what 6-10 hours. What
happened to the logic there? Who has the money to buy to different sets of
disposable diapers every month?? Or the sanity to get up every two hours to
change a disposable??
a disposable gets soaked it swells up as a big as a large tumor, not very
pretty at all. The clothes then squish this sack of yuck, it sag's down one leg
or the other and how comfy huh? A saggie wet mess drooping down your leg. Cloth
it keeps it's shape. Wet or dry it soaks up the wet. holds the solid far
superior, and your kids isn't waddling lopsided.
it just me or does disposables smell much more when soiled? Honestly yes a
cloth left unattended forgotten about for more than a day does stink, but even
when I skipped laundry for 3 days (yeah I did bad idea very full load!) It was
stinky but a better smell than taking out disposable trash. We clean off all
solid waste before being placed in the bucket, versus sposies just all go bye
a diaper no matter what way you open it it's not always the highlight of your
day. I have to say more pride is put into choosing cloth. When we did use
disposables I was switching brands a lot for quality issues, horrid rash
infections, and just funky factory smells. Making the switch to cloth caused me
to do tons of research to make sure I was making the right choice. Pocket's,
plain colors, prints, what absorbency styles, and where to buy with all the
details I needed. It was FUN! Cloth is a world of cuteness like shopping for
tiny clothes it's great. Disposables are just ugh I have to buy these again??
Seriously potty training seems a long long long ways away. Cloth makes me sad
when they out grow them, like when newborn onesies no longer fit.
stress! My budget was very tight. I was calculating how many diapers I needed
to buy to squeak by in a month, and then praying we made it. I second guessed
do I really need to change him right now? Could I wait another 30 minutes or so
to see if he needs to pee again? With cloth it doesn't matter! I bought a set
of 12 and voila poof! Bye Bye stress! Washing isn't hard at all dump the bucket
in and let her go. I can sit and watch a movie, clean up the kitchen and not
worry about a thing. We recently lost our vehicle, but I don't worry about
buying diapers! The money we saved from 'sposies is going to buy parts for the
truck! Ta Da!
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