I Bought It How Do I Use It?

The biggest issue I ever hear is someone, myself included bought a product got it home and then didn't know how to use it. Which ends up being used improperly and frustration strikes it's evil blow! Youtube.com is a life saver for me. When it doubt YouTube it, contact the manufacturer, or the company you bought it from.

One product I did have trouble using right was the Gdiaper covers. The "floating" water proof liner gave me a run for my money. It was leaking out the legs, and it got very frustrating. What I found out is that the plastic liner needs to have the edges lined up inside the creases of his legs, right where the underwear would normally be around the legs. I never did get the hang of it and just ended up putting the liner on top of my pocket diaper.

This new chart I discovered is awesome for helping figure out what type of fabric diaper you want to use. How to prep it for use, and how to care for it once prepped. A couple things I would like to add is Country Save is a Canada based product and is expensive to ship. It costs me $10 for the product, and $10 to ship. Basically it's not very practical for me. A detergent I do love is Rockin' Green. It's widely sold and easier to buy closer to your home in the states to reduce shipping charges.

http://thenowfamily.com/CDCharts.html in case the link above gives you trouble.

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