My Cloth Diapering Confession

I honestly don't remember how I happened upon the modern fabric diapers of today. I am assuming Ebay. My husband was in the army at the time, our son was just shy of being one year old and somehow cloth just popped up. I instantly fell in love with the awesome selection, wide range of prices, and all the money we could save on not buying diapers. Unfortunately I didn't know what I was doing and had not entered the world of Facebook which has hundreds of cloth diapering sites, and how to do this and that. They were being washed improperly, dried on high heat, and overstuffed because my son is a heavy wetter. I swear he has a bigger bladder than me by far! So luckily I paid a very low price on them because I ended up having residue build up all over them, and the water proof lining peeled, cracked, and came off. Those problems did not deter me from cloth it was that my son was a very heavy wetter and constantly drenched his diapers. If I had known about bamboo, hemp, and stripping your diapers on top of using the correct detergent life with cloth would have lasted longer the first time around. We tried Gdiapers but he soaked those up faster than I could get them on. What went wrong, we used non diaper service quality prefolds (Gerber is awful), we used a detergent with ALL the wrong ingredients, and if I had known about the entire community cloth diapering mom's on Facebook there would have been no problem. I don't intend this passage to deter you from cloth I am just letting you know of my own trials and revelations in hopes that you will understand that every problem has a solution if only you have the means to answer them!   We took his first birthday pictures in a cloth diaper, baby blue color. Love for cloth was so strong the bumps in the road had no hold on whether or not I wanted to c.d. our little man.
 When baby number two came along I was quick to jump on Craigslist to find more cloth diapers since I wore out the ones our oldest had. We found some but our living situation didn't permit us to wash them properly so we had to go back to disposables until we moved much to my despair. It wasn't until our second child turned two that I rediscovered cloth diapers and have just recently completed our stash for him. This time around I am very happy to say, we use Rockin Green detergent, and pocket diapers from JustSimplyBaby. No more problems at all, one leak because I didn't get up early enough to change his diaper. Oops! Sorry little man!
 So there you have it my confession. Whether you use disposable or cloth it's a messy business, filled with ups and downs, but at least cloth pays for itself sposies has nothing on that argument!

Please know we did work out all the kinks with baby number two and I discovered Portable Clothes Washing Machines that hook to your sink and an outlet just like Portable Dishwashers. We bought ours second hand and it’s a life saver for those of us in apartments. Be sure to look for the post I will be doing about our mighty mini washer!

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